Enhancement of the public programs efficiency estimation in Primorsky Region

  • Andreev V.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


Research purpose is the efficiency evaluation of implementation of the public programs of Primorsky Region for 2015 and elaboration of recommendations on enhancement of both processes of an efficiency evaluation of programs, and implementation of the program. The efficiency evaluation method approved by the resolution of Administration of Primorsky Region by December 30, 2014, No. 566 “About approval of an order of decision making on development of the state programs of Primorsky Region, forming, implementation and evaluating efficiency of implementation of state programs of Primorsky Region” is used.

The research revealed a lack of an accurate communication between actions and indicators for a number of the state programs. Indicators which are specifically reached as a result of implementation of actions that objectively interferes with detection of social and economic efficiency of programs aren’t allocated. There is no information on achievement of the control events, the documents confirming the actual measure values are not represented in complete. To increase efficiency of implementation of the state programs and enhancement of assessment of their execution it is necessary to provide a correct planning of the program actions at a development stage of the program, planning of targets and financial performance.

It is recommended to establish legally participation of control and revising authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the course of project development of state programs, given to them authority not only on examination of drafts of the programs, but also on confirmation of the target program parameters. It is necessary to establish legally that developers and contractors of the state programs need to provide such indicators which objectively reflect an extent of implementation of each action of the state program. It is recommended to make adjustment of target indicators, proceeding from the reached indexes of a reported year, or to reduce the amount of financing of actions which are responsible for achievement of these indicators.

Keywords: public programs, efficiency measuring criteria, budget assignment, target indexes.